through the Years!

2022 marks's 15th anniversary, so it might be fun to take a trip down memory lane and remind you how the website has changed over the years. Let's get stuck in....

Humble Beginnings 1.0 2007-2010

Our website and business launched in April 2007. To begin with we had a limited range and our website included the header image of the hills of Mayo where we were based. We pretty much kept that design for our first three years.
By 2010 we had begun to outgrow our website platform and started to look for a new solution for 2.0. 2.0 2010-2013

With a new backend for the website and new features for customers, we also went for a more musical look which proved to be a good move as business grew considerably after this change. 3.0 2013-2014

Due to something breaking we were forced to switch to a different look. This time we moved to a more modern sparse design, probably our least favourite but it laid the foundation of what came next. Super Strings 4.00 2014-2017

After several years in business we decided to try something different. Teaming up with a warehouse who took over our order fulfilment for the first time, we rebranded from to Super Strings, aimed to develop our export sales, it was quite an investment. 5.00 2018-2021

In 2018 we parted company with our warehouse partners. Sometimes you have to try things in business and sometimes you have to know when to pull the plug. We returned to in house fulfilment which saved us a fortune and allowed us to be 100% in control of our customer orders and experience, something that is essential for the personal touch. With another website design, branding returned and for the first time we introduced free shipping for Ireland and we kept this design for three more years. 6.0 2021-Current

In late 2021 we invested in a further redesign. You might ask why keep making changes?
The simple answer is technology moves on, old things stop working, new things become available that we want to take advantage of so we can keep up with our competitors and offer our customers a better experience.
This latest design is considerably faster as the previous website was getting slower and slower. There was also a number of issues with our mobile version of the site that needed addressing. We've also improved the search feature and made a number of improvements that hopefully make shopping at an easier and enjoyable experience. 

Also in 2021 we invested in some complex back end systems that allow us to manage our inventory and customer orders which has reduced human errors considerably, something we are always trying to address so we can provide a first class service. 

So there you have it. 15 years later we're still growing and loving what we do. Thank you so much to all of our customers, many of whom have been with us since we started. Your loyalty and support means the world to us and we hope to continue to invest in our business and hopefully keep going in this ever more competitive market dominated by corporations. remains small, independent and hopefully more friendly and agile. 

27th Dec 2021

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