D'addario Strings

D'addario Micro Headstock Tuner

  • Planet Waves NS Micro Headstock Tuner
  • D'addario Micro Headstock Tuner


This is a very small tuner/metronome combo from D'Addario. The NS Micro Universal Tuner clamps to the headstock of your instrument without damaging it. The pivotal head will always face you no matter the angle. From the display you'll be able to see when you are in tune. You can also use it as a visual metronome to keep time.

This tuner is easy to install and easy to remove, and since the response of the tuner is very fast you can even use it to practice your intonation. This is due to the fact that it has a built in piezo transducer that picks up vibration rather than sound.

  • Multi colour display
  • Chromatic Tuner
  • Visual Metronome
  • Compact size
  • It can be calibrated from 410 to 480 Hz
  • For use on guitars, basses, mandolins, banjos, ukulele, cellos, double basses, and other stringed instruments.



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